Assessment and reporting to Parents

Assessment and Testing

Teachers assess children's attainment and progress against end of year expectations. Ongoing daily assessment informs next steps teaching for all pupils and half termly summative data is collated and analysed to ensure we are meeting the needs of all pupils in school. 

National Tests are as follows:

EYFS - Baseline Assessment Sept          

Early Years Foundation Profile June

Y1- Phonics testing June

Y2- Standardised Assessment Tests ( SATS)  May

Y4- Multiplication Tests June

Y6- Standardised Assessment Tests  (SATS)  May

Reporting to Parents

Our formal parents evenings are held in October and March. You will receive an update of your child's progress and attainment at the end of each half term. Written reports are sent home in July with the option of an additional parents meeting included. We also have a weekly Thursday drop in when you are welcome to call in to share learning with your child and celebrate their success. Staff are also available daily if you have any concerns about learning, progress or your child's well being.

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