

Science is a core subject within our curriculum. At Statham, we want Science to promote a sense of excitement and curiosity about the world around them. We want our children to develop subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding whilst developing an extensive vocabulary to explain their reasoning. The knowledge and understanding that they have then becomes established through scientific enquiry. We believe in the value of investigative science alongside theory. 

As a school we are committed to developing our children’s curiosities and the ‘awe and wonder’ that occurs within the natural world. We create ‘hooks’ within topics to promote engagement and excitement by using multi sensory approaches, curriculum links and real life experiences. We want our children to have a clear understanding of the impact that Science has on our world but also how people with a passion for Science have the ability to influence change for the future. Character education, both historic and contemporary figures, underpins our desire for children to ‘dare to dream’ and consider how they can use their passion for Science in their own futures.

To build on our pupils’ cultural capital we plan for scientific visits to places of interest in each key stage within our local region to promote our children’s understanding of Science in a wider context.


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